ApexSQL Job 2018 – Screen shot tour


Installation of ApexSQL Job is a simple and straightforward task.

Run the ApexSQL Job executable installer to enter the first step of installation wizard where you’re greeted with the welcome screen. Click the Next button to continue:

Welcome to the ApexSQL Job setup

In the following window, Software Transaction Agreement is shown and, in order to continue with the installation, one must accept the terms in the license agreement and then click on the Next button:

Software Transaction Agreement setup step

In the next step of setup, choose where to install ApexSQL Job. Leave the default destination folder or select a custom one by clicking on the browse button. Leave Create a desktop icon checkbox intact to create a desktop shortcut and click on the Install button to finish the setup:

Selecting the installation folder during ApexSQL Job setup

The final step confirms ApexSQL Job is successfully installed. Leave Run ApexSQL Job checkbox intact to run the tool immediately upon clicking the Close button:

ApexSQL Job successfully installed

The main menu of ApexSQL Job consists of the following six tabs, all respectively in the following order:

  • Home
  • Jobs
  • History
  • Schedules
  • Alerts
  • Resources

Home tab

The Home tab includes the tasks that manage the SQL Server instances and their agents. All those tasks are grouped into the following categories:

  • SQL Server
  • Agent
  • Tools
  • View

Under the SQL Server category, one could Add a new SQL Server instance, Edit the connections of previously added SQL Servers and remove added SQL Servers by the single click on the Remove button:

Add, Edit or Remove SQL Server instance

In the same category, presented are options to Start, Stop or Restart a SQL Server:

Start, Stop od Restart SQL Server instance in ApexSQL Job tool

In the Agent group are presented the “SQL Server Agent” related options. Agent services for previously added SQL Servers can be started, stopped and restarted, by clicking on any of corresponding buttons in the respective order:

Start, Stop od Restart SQL Server Agent service in ApexSQL Job tool

Additionally, under the same group SQL Server Agent logs can be seen and later exported to CSV file format:

Overview of SQL Server Agent logs

Options window under the Tools section offers some tool configuration options.

The General tab allows the user to choose the grid refreshing rate, preferable theme, and update and renewal options:

General tab of the Options window

The Export tab allows the user to set custom output options, e.g. to enter a name, date/time desired format, company name and whether header will be included inside the exported CSV file:

Export tab of the Options window

Last option left to be covered under the Home tab is the Refresh option, the one that manually refreshes “all visible information” displayed under this tab, both in SQL Server pane and in Job list grid:

Refreshing listed grid jobs within the ApexSQL Job

Jobs tab

Jobs tab overview

The Jobs tab in the light theme:

Jobs tab overview in the light theme

Jobs tab is the main tab of the application. It consists of three task categories:

  • Job list
  • Job
  • View

The Job list category allows the user to create a new job, to copy a job from/to another SQL Server instance and to delete the desired job. All those actions can be triggered by clicking on the New, Copy, Delete buttons respectively:

Create, Copy or Delete SQL Server Agent job

Under the Job category, one could choose to edit, enable, disable, start or stop a running job by clicking on the corresponding button:

Edit, Enable, Disable, Start or Stop SQL Server Agent job

By clicking on the Export to button under the View category drop-down menu is called where the user is presented with the option to export any of the previously selected numbers of jobs to the desired file format: CSV, XML, HTML or PDF:

Exporting SQL Server Agent job(s) to CSV, XML, HTML or PDF file format

By clicking on the New button, the New job wizard is opened where the user is presented with five different tabs and each one provides various “job related” settings:

Create new SQL Server Agent job

Under the General tab, from the Server name drop-down list, choose the preferable SQL Server to create a job for:

General tab of the "New job" wizard

Provide a desired name for the job and select its owner from the corresponding drop-down list:

Define name for the new SQL Server Agent job

Optionally provide a meaningful description of its functionality and choose the category to which the job will be assigned to:

Add description for the new SQL Server Agent job

Once the desired settings under the General tab are set, it is time to move on to Steps tab where one or more steps for the new job need to be created.

A single click on the New button opens the New job step window:

Create job steps within the ApexSQL Job tool

In the New job step window, specify an indicative name of the step, e.g. the one that closely describes its key functionality. Also, select a step type among the twelve different types of tasks offered in the drop-down list:

Define name for SQL Server Agent job step

Choose the database to perform this job step against to and write the command directly in the Command box. Additionally, presented is the option to load a prepared script directly if that’s more convenient:

Choose database and enter T-SQL command

Once we specify what will be done in the created step, it’s time to jump to the Advanced tab and further tune job step settings.

Here, you can control the action that will be performed when the step is completed successfully or fails:

"On success" and "On failure" actions

Choose to set the number of retries in the case of the step failure, and in the same case to retry the step execution after a specific time:

"Retry attempts" and "Retry after" options

Additionally, choose to write the output of the step execution:

Output of the new SQL Server Agent job step

The step is created successfully as presented. To create more job steps, click on the New button again, and repeat the same steps.

Further, we could edit, delete or move up/down on the list the desired job step, should more job steps be created:

Steps tab overview within the ApexSQL Job

Additionally, if the aforementioned is the case, then there is an option to choose which step will start first during the job execution:

Start step to execute when two or more job steps are created

The next step here would be to set schedule time for the newly created job, e.g. to specify when and how frequent this job will be executed. To create a new schedule for a specific job, one should click on the Schedules tab on the left side of the New job wizard:

Schedules tab overview of the "New job" wizard

Here, the presented are a few options to choose from. We could create a new schedule or pick an already created one by clicking on the Pick drop-down button:

Pick previously created job schedule

Let’s now go through the creation steps of the new schedule and doing so by initializing it with a single click on the New button. This single action opens the New job schedule window:

Create new job schedule within the ApexSQL Job tool

The New Job schedule window provides various options to specify when and how frequent the job will be executed with a clear summary of the selected options. After entering the desired name for the schedule, it’s worth mentioning that there are two types of schedules to choose from: Event and Time:

Select job schedule type

Should the default Event type be selected, it indicates that the job will be triggered to execute as a response to the specific event. Two types of event are specified here, the job will start directly when the SQL Server Agent starts or when the CPU is in idle state:

Select the event that will trigger the job schedule

On the other side, if the Time event is selected, set the desired job frequency under the Frequency area. Choose the job to be executed: Once, Daily, Weekly or Monthly. Set daily frequency and job duration. Under the Summary section, the info about chosen schedule parameters is presented:

Summary of the chosen schedule parameters when "Time" type is selected

It’s worth mentioning that if either of the schedule types is selected, Active checkbox must be marked in order for that schedule to become active upon its creation:

Check "Active" checkbox to enable job schedule

Once the new schedule for the job is created, it is shown under the schedules list as displayed. Here, it can be later edited or deleted by clicking on the Edit or Delete buttons respectively:

Created job schedule within the Schedules tab

Once the job schedule is out of the way, the next focus of job creation procedure is the job alerts.

The mentioned settings can be accessed by a click on the Alerts tab in the New job wizard, as well as from the Alerts tab from the main application tab group but more on that later.

A click on the Add button summons the Create alert window:

Create new job alert within the ApexSQL Job tool

Same window in blue theme:

Create new job alert in blue theme

There are three types of alerts that can be created in the SQL Server Agents:

  • SQL Server Event Alerts: This alert will be fired when an event with a specific error number or an error severity level occurs
  • SQL Server Performance Event Alerts: This alert will be fired when a specific performance counter exceeds, equal to or falls below a predefined threshold value
  • WMI event alerts: This alert will be fired when a specific Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) event occurs

ApexSQL Job allows the user to create all three mentioned SQL Server Agent Alerts types:

SQL Server Agent alert type selection

When SQL Server event alert is selected, you must specify the following settings: the alert name, the database to which the alert will apply and whether it should fire in response to a specific SQL Server error number or error severity level:

Define alert name and select event alert database

If SQL Server Performance Condition Alert is selected, the following settings must be defined:

Object as the area of performance to be monitored can be chosen from its drop-down list:

Object selection when SQL Server performance condition alert is selected as alert type

After specifying the performance area, select the performance counter from the counters list, that is planned to be monitored. In addition, specify the threshold, that number describes the selected counter for the alert and the behavior of the counter that fires the alert:

SQL Server performance condition alert configuration

For instance, the alert can be fired if the current counter value Rises above, Becomes equal to or Falls below the defined counter threshold:

"Alert if counter" selection for SQL Server performance condition alert

And lastly, should the WMI Event Alert ends up being selected, the following settings must be applied:

Alert name, WMI namespace where the SQL Server Agent will register itself as a WMI client and a query for the event:

WMI event alert type configuration

After choosing the desired alert type for the job and applying its settings, the following thing left do be done is specifying what action should be performed as a response for the occurred event.

In the Create Alert window, click on the Response tab on the left, to configure the response type.

From here, we can see that there are two types of responses for the event occurrence:

  • Execute job: Select which SQL Server Agent job will be executed in response to the event occurrence
  • Notify operators: Provide a predefined operator or create a new operator to notify when the alert event occurred

Response actions that will be executed in response to the event

To create a new operator, click on the New button.

In the New operator window, provide operator name, notification option and optionally Pager on duty schedule if the Pager e-mail notification option is selected:

Create new alert operator within the ApexSQL Job tool

Under the Notifications tab choose to view notifications sent to the user by alerts or by jobs:

Select alert operator notification

Once the New operator is created, it can be seen under the Operator list:

Operator overview in operators list within Response tab of the "Create alert" window

In the Options page of the Create Alert window, you can optionally specify what will be included in the notification message, and how much time the two consequent responses will be delayed, as shown below:

Options tab overview within Response tab of the "Create alert" window

Once created, the alert can be configured, monitored or removed from the alerts list:

Alert overview in alerts list within the "New job" window

And lastly, under the Notification tab of the New job wizard, we can specify notifications we’d like to receive for the job results. Choose to be notified when the job succeeds, fails or completes. We can elect to be notified by a specific operator, via e-mail, page or net send, or we can elect to simply have a record written in the event logs.

There is even an option to automatically delete the job upon its completion:

Notifications configuration settings in the "New job" window within ApexSQL Job tool

When the job is successfully created, it is displayed in the main grid. Grid columns present the job details, including result and time of its last execution, job name, SQL instance it belongs to, its status and category.

Newly created job overview within the Jobs tab of the ApexSQL Job

From this grid, you can delete, enable, disable start or stop the currently running job by clicking the appropriate button:

Delete, Edit, Enable, Disable, Start or Stop job in ApexSQL Job tool

To copy job from one SQL Server instance to the other, select it from the grid and click on the Copy button from the Job list category.

This action summons the Copy job wizard where under the General tab user needs to specify a SQL Server instance to copy the job to along with its configuration settings. Additionally, new job steps, schedules, and alerts can be added to previously created one in the already described manner:

Copy SQL Server Agent job from one SQL Server instance to another

Job data can be filtered by any SQL Server instance and then grouped by the grid columns. Select a SQL Server instance from the server panel on the left to see only its jobs or click on All instances to include all the jobs of all the SQL Server instances. Once that selection has been made, choose the desired grid column to group the data by:

Group SQL Server Agent jobs by grid columns

All this data can be exported to CSV, XML, HTML or PDF file formats. To export reports to PDF format, make any selection of jobs from the grid, click on the Export to button and select PDF:

Export SQL Server Agent jobs to CSV, XML, HTML or PDF file format

Immediately upon saving the file, you will be asked to open it. The result will look like this:

SQL Server Agent job exported to PDF file format

History tab

SQL Server Agent jobs history overview in ApexSQL Job tool

History tab in blue theme:

History tab overview in blue theme

Under the History tab, you can view a detailed execution history of the scheduled SQL Agent jobs for all the SQL Server instances.

The results summary of the scheduled SQL Agent jobs is displayed in horizontal time intervals for the day, with the ability to move between days by using the top arrows:

SQL Server Agent job execution results overview in timeline intervals

You can hover the mouse over the timeline to get the start and end time of any job from the grid:

SQL Server Agent job execution details when hovering over its timeline interval

Changing the View from Timeline to Day changes the summary view of the scheduled SQL Agent jobs to vertical time intervals for the day:

SQL Server Agent job execution result overview in day by day intervals

In addition to the detailed information about the job execution, ApexSQL Job provides you with the ability to display the execution result for all the steps executed within the selected job:

SQL Server Agent job's step execution result overview

For a more convenient job execution results overview, you can group the data by the Date/Time grid column. To do so, drag and drop the Date/Time column into the group area:

Group SQL Server Agent jobs history overview by grid columns

For those who prefer the light theme:

Group SQL Server Agent jobs history overview by grid columns in light theme

To export jobs execution results, after its selection from the grid, click on the Export to button and choose preferred the file format:

Export SQL Server Agent jobs execution results to CSV, XML, HTML or PDF file format

Schedules tab

SQL Server Agent job schedule details overview when hovering over its timeline interval

Here, the user can manage job execution schedules.

To add a new job schedule, click on the Add button under the Schedule category. This will open the New job schedule window and its configuration settings we previously covered within the New Job wizard:

Create SQL Server Agent job schedule in ApexSQL Job tool

Job schedules from the grid can be further edited, enabled, disabled or deleted with a single click on the matching button:

Edit, Enable, Disable or Delete SQL Server Agent job schedule

Select a job schedule from the grid and click on the Details button to view its basic and history details:

SQL Server Agent job schedule details overview in ApexSQL Job tool

To view history for the selected job schedule from the grid, click on the History tab on the left side of the Schedule details window:

SQL Server Agent job schedule history overview in ApexSQL Job tool

Same form in blue theme:

SQL Server Agent job schedule history overview in blue theme

The View category controls the schedules view to show or exclude the disabled schedules or the schedules that are not linked with an agent job, as shown below:

"Show disabled" and "Show without jobs" SQL Server job schedule options in ApexSQL Job tool

All the existing options we mentioned under the Schedules tab can be easily found with a single right-click over the selected job schedule:

Right click menu options for SQL Server Agent job schedules

Alerts tab

SQL Server Agent job alerts overview in ApexSQL Job tool

Under the Alerts tab, the user can manage SQL Server Agent job alerts for all SQL Server instances he previously connected to.

To create a new alert and assign it to a SQL Server instance click on the Add button:

Create SQL Server Agent job alert in ApexSQL Job tool

Alerts from the grid can be further edited or deleted:

Edit or Delete SQL Server Agent job alerts in ApexSQL Job tool

To group alerts by Name and Type columns drag them into the Drag a column header area:

Group SQL Server Agent job alerts overview by grid columns

Light-themed grid presentation may be more appealing to some:

Group SQL Server Agent job alerts overview by grid columns in light theme


November 27, 2019